Vaccines and Health Check Up

Vaccines and Health Check Up(予防接種と乳幼児健診)
With the spread of COVID-19, many of the mass health checkups and vaccine campaigns across the country have been canceled. To ease concerns that parents of young children may have, we produced a user-friendly leaflet (A4 sized) explaining the purposes of health checkups and vaccines, and to encourage the parents to receive these services in accordance with the growth of the child. Please share the material with those around you, especially with those who have small children at home. Note: The information is specific to the Japanese context.
日本語、英語、中文繁体字、中文簡体字、韓国語、スペイン語、ベトナム語、タイ語、タガログ語、ポルトガル語、トルコ語、アラビア語、ウルドゥー語、ペルシア語 Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Tagalog, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi
Art Direction / Graphic Design / Illustration : bowlgraphics inc. client : COVID-19 Literacy Project